Ok, so you all read my post last week about helping a friend, right?
Well, good news, everything has been going great with everything that we have been helping each other with! I do want to throw out there that I started out just holding him accountable for things, but in the past week, that has escalated to both of us holding each other accountable. We have both opened up to some problems that we know that we have and do not want to hide them. We want them fixed.
Ok, here is the reason that I am blogging tonight. At youth tonight we watched a video from lifechurch.tv and had a discussion afterwards . . . everything is I guess routine youth until this . . . . the discussion afterwards talked about some things that people should do if they know that they have a problem. The things that were suggested be done are things that my bud and I started last week. I guess that I decided to go tonight for a reason. I really needed to stay home and do homework, but I decided against and went.
Tonight’s discussion reminded me of one of the messages at Resurrection this year. Justin Lookadoo mentioned that if you are fully aware that you have a problem, you can NOT ask for someone to just pray for you and not know what they are praying about. You MUST have someone that you can tell and someone who you can confide in. He also talked about the process of getting a scar. You may have some things in your past that do not bring out your best features, but once you resolve your problems sure you will have scars, but you can then relate to other people with the same problem and help them through the same way that you were helped through it.
Well, now that my random babbling is over I will get to my main point, Tell someone if you have a problem. Tell somebody that you can trust and things will get better. A good friend is all that a person ever needs!