Saturday, January 10, 2009

Open your eyes.

I just watched a Re-run of Idol gives back 2008, and it was a really informational show on how hard some kids in africa and other countries have it. I had an argument with my mom today because she took my car for the day.  I now realize after reading up on some statistics in Africa, how trivial a matter that no car for a day is. 

One of the examples of the hard living condition that I saw, was in a small village in africa.  A young 6 year old child had to lead his blind dad around town, just so he could make enough money to survive.  On top of having to do that the young boy had to sleep on a small piece of foam that looked to be about 3 feet wide.  This is itself is bad enough, but he has to share it. With 2 other siblings.  

I think what this taught me was that I really don't need to get in a tussle over such trivial matters.  Think about it. 

Take a look at this video.