Sunday, January 25, 2009

Resurrection '09

WOW. That is all that I can really say about what happened in Gatlinburg this weekend!

Justin Lookadoo was an amazing speaker, and probably the best one that I have ever seen at Resurrection. He really did seem to connect with the audience by not making things sound too good, and better than they really are, he just plain and simply said, that if you do this, that "you ain't right." But besides that, the message was very thought provoking, as well as interesting.

I took some notes on my handy dandy iPod touch, and here are some of the highlights that I got from it.

Commitment vs. Experience

We all know how when we have something that we want to do, that we go absolutely crazy and tell everyone about it and try to get them to come with us.  This is an experience.  Now after this experience, most of the time you will talk about how exciting it was for a couple of days and then it wears off.  

Now when you talk about commitment, this is when after you try something that first time and you like it, you go and you constantly and continually spread your joy and enthusiasm about whatever it may be that enjoy. 

This is what we should all do about being christians, don't be "luke-warm" and expect the "hot" or "radical" christians to do the talking for you.  Don't just be excited about accepting Christ for a few days, actually live it out and tell everyone of his great love for you.

Are You a 100 Dollar Bill?
If you were there, this will make a little more sense to you. . . . . But, If you take a 100 dollar bill,  and stomp it on the ground, spit on it, and crumple it up, is it worth any less?  NO. Do you still want it?  This is how God sees us, and it doesn't matter how many times that we do wrong, we are still worth the exact same amount to God.  Still want the 100 dollars?

The process of getting a scar is usually not the most fun thing that you can do.  But, after you get one, you can go around and show it off and tell everyone exactly how you got it.  This is the same way that God uses the less than admirable events that we experience.  You might have just recovered from being an alcoholic, and from now on, just by looking at a person and talking to them for less than a minute, you can immediately tell if they are in the same boat that you were in.  Knowing this, you can reach out to and minister the the people that you can connect with.

This ties in a little with the scaring . . . You did not get where you are at right now overnight.  Do not expect that as soon as you accept Christ, that you will automatically wake up the next morning and everything will instantly be better and all problems will be gone.  You have to live with some of the consequences of your actions.

Weak Character
Shoot a window with a bb gun, once, doesn't break.  Twice, Doesn't break. Three, Four, Five, Six. Still no break.  Seven . . .CRACK!  One bb alone is not enough to cause the window to break, but each one causes the glass to become weaker, eventually causing it to break.  This can also be applied to our character.  Say that you are 15 minutes late getting home, and your parents are in bed, the next morning, you tell them you were there right on time. . . weak spot.  You order water with your meal, and go to the soda fountain and fill up with whatever you want. . .weak spot.  These little things continue to add up until something big goes wrong. It is the little flaws in our character that causes for the eventual break.

This is all that I have for right now, as I am still processing everything that Justin said.  The will probably be more to come here soon.

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